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South County ARES Weekly Net

Weekly Net Roll Call List | Net Control Procedure in PDF format | Net Control Assignments | Turn Off Wires

South County ARES holds a weekly net every Monday night at 1930 hrs (7:30 pm). The check-in frequencies are:

146.445 MHz simplex CTCSS=114.8 Hz
444.5+ MHz CTCSS=100 Hz

Until the shelter in place order is lifted and our installations at EOCs, PDs, and so on are re-opened, PLEASE RUN MONDAY NIGHT NET from home. If all you have is an HT, use a magmount antenna and the highest power available on the HT. Thanks!

In order to be Net Control for the SCARES weekly net, you need the following:

  1. The latest Weekly Roll Call list (effective as of 2/21/2025 )
  2. The SCARES Weekly Net Procedure (revised 3/25/2024 )
  3. The name and call sign of the person scheduled to do Net Control the week after you.

You can get these items in a variety of ways:

  1. To get the Weekly Roll Call list:
  2. To get the Net Procedure: Download the PDF version of the Net Procedure.
  3. To find out who is assigned as Net Control for the week after your assignment:
    To get the net control assignment list, send an email to the auto-responder address
    go to the SCARES-Members folder in Dropbox or request a link to the roster folder.  

The Net Procedure and roll call lists used for the weekly Monday night net are in PDF format, which requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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