South County ARES Grab and Go Kit Check List
Also available in PDF format
- 2 meter HT plus 12 hours worth of batteries (a dual band 2M/440 is
- Consider a waterproof bag to protect it from the elements
- 1/2 wave gain antenna for better performance and a magnetic mount antenna
- AC to DC adapter and auto cigarette lighter plug cable to power HT
- Remote speaker/microphone or headset
- Headphones with correct connector to plug into radio, for use in noisy
- Extra coax for antenna and connectors and adapters for radio
- Thomas Guide Map book or other maps
- Repeater listing frequency Directory
- Users manual for your radios or cheat sheets
- Message forms, writing pads, pens and clipboard
- SCARES badge, copy of FCC license
- Appropriate clothes for the weather, terrain and duration.
- Dress to stay warm and dry.
- Hat, sunglasses and sunblock during warm sunny weather.
- Food, water, and needed medicines for at least 12 hours
- First Aid Kit, First Aid and CPR training?
- Night time gear, flash, light extra batteries and bulb, reflective
vest, flares in vehicle
- Small tool kit, gas and water shut off tools
- Second radio with 12 hours of battery power
- Base station antenna i.e.. J-pole and mounting hardware
- 50 feet of coax with connectors
- Scanner radio and frequency list of local public safety agencies
- Large 12 volt battery, Gel or deep cycle, charger, 100 feet of AC power
large gauge
- Poster paper, markers and tape for signs
- Hard-hat for your head
- 3-way electrical adapter (for 2 prong outlets)
- Whistle
- Waterproof paper