2002 Dream Machines

by Madeline Lombaerde, KD6JTU

The sun was shining and a cool wind was blowing (but not too much), making April 28th at Half Moon Bay Airport a beautiful coastside day. South County ARES members and amateur radio operators from the area provided event and emergency communications for the Dream Machines event, from 6:30 am until 5:30 pm.

Larry Nelson, KC6NYG, was the Comm Boss and Emergency Services Unit Director. Participants acted as shadows for several key event people, provided communications from the info booth, main gate, 3-0 Cafe, taxi ways, and deadline. There was some emergency traffic for a person injured in the Tractor Pull area and some minor injuries in other areas of the event.

This year, thanks to the efforts of Larry and Rich Tidd, KE6HNY, and other members of the Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services, we had space in the Sheriff's OES bus for running Net Control.

As always, Larry and his wife Mary provided a delicious lunch for all his operators and other volunteers.

One of the highlights was the fly-by of the F-18 and Sea Fury planes. Thunderous noise and thunderous applause rose as the planes took off, did some passes of the field, and landed.

Many thanks to all the hams who helped on this event.

Photos on this page were provided by
Madeline Lombaerde, KD6JTU

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