Portable Stations

by Madeline Lombaerde, KD6JTU

On Thursday, May 18, 2000, the start of our monthly meeting was an exercise on how to set up a portable station. South County ARES members and guests counted off, 1 to 5, then joined the team leader of their assigned number. The team leader guided them through the setup of the antenna, battery, radio(s), table, chair, and so on ... everything needed to get their portable station operational.

A special thanks to Dave Harrison, W6IBC, Jerry Tannhauser, WA6AVR, Rich Tidd, KE6HNY, Robert WB6WGM and Madeline KD6JTU Lombaerde, and Bill Fies, W6TYO for bringing their equipment for this exercise.

It was a great opportunity for those who have only worked with HTs to learn how to set up a portable high-power station. It was fun for all to view the different equipment and approaches to establishing a portable station.

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Page last modified September 25, 2007